Ecology Consultancy
Ecologic Consultants is an ecology company specialising in providing detailed ecological surveys in Cornwall and the South West. We are experienced in solving ecological problems associated with small and large housing schemes and developments, road and rail construction and developments, landfill facilities and pipelines.
We specialise in Ecological Impact Assessments, Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (previously known as Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys) and Phase 1 Habitat Surveys.
We plan, design and deliver extensive ecological solutions that reduce risk, both for you and the natural environment. By combining our sound legislative knowledge, robust project management processes and our keen insights at survey stage, we have become a trusted and conscientious organisation that ensures development and the natural world can co-exist in harmony.
Our consultancy is staffed by experienced ecologists, we are expert in a broad range of disciplines, including protected species and habitat assessment and survey, project monitoring and mitigation.
We specialise in Ecological Impact Assessments, Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (previously known as Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys) and Phase 1 Habitat Surveys.
We plan, design and deliver extensive ecological solutions that reduce risk, both for you and the natural environment. By combining our sound legislative knowledge, robust project management processes and our keen insights at survey stage, we have become a trusted and conscientious organisation that ensures development and the natural world can co-exist in harmony.
Our consultancy is staffed by experienced ecologists, we are expert in a broad range of disciplines, including protected species and habitat assessment and survey, project monitoring and mitigation.
PROTECTED SPECIES SURVEYSWe undertake ecology surveys, assessment and offer robust mitigation strategies as well as assist with European Protected Species Licenses for all of the protected species in Cornwall and the south west of the UK. This includes bat surveys, bat activity surveys and bat roost surveys of trees and structures; dormouse presence/absence surveys; nesting bird assessments including barn owl; reptile and amphibian (including great crested newt eDNA assessments) presence/absence surveys and translocations, if required. We also provide survey, assessment and mitigation for badgers, water voles and otters.
ASSESSMENT OF PLANTS AND HABITATSOur services include Ecological Impact Assessment; Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (previously known as Extended Phase 1 Habitat Surveys); Phase 1 surveys, National Vegetation Surveys (NVC); Tree & Vegetation Survey; Scoping assessments/Ecological Walkover surveys; Hedgerow surveys and assessment; River Corridor Surveys & River Habitat Surveys; BREEAM Code for Sustainable Housing; Invasive plant surveys and assessment (e.g. Japanese knotweed, Himalayan Balsam) in Cornwall and the south west of England.
HABITAT MANAGEMENTOur experienced habitat management team can assist with planning ponds, woods and other new habitat. We are Site of Special Scientific Interest's (SSSI's) and Scheduled Monument and Commons management specialists. We deal with translocation and re-introduction schemes. We offer sustainability advice and wildlife monitoring and tracking. In addition we can assist with Countryside Stewardship applications, Woodland Grants and Management, Basic Payment Scheme applications and management. We provide these services in Cornwall, Devon and the south west of the United Kingdom.